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“Transforming Houston’s Art Community” – a transmedia story

Houston, Texas – April 8, 2019 Ashley Dang, creative director at Kyros Media will launch the transmedia marketing campaign, Exhibit 4379, on April 8, 2019. The story follows the journey of how Ashley and her team at Kyros Media, pull off the epic transmedia marketing campaign for Sabine Street Studios.

Sabine Street Studios opened its doors in 2018 and is the latest addition to the Sawyer Yards, family of studio buildings. Sawyer Yards is one of the nation’s largest art communities it houses over 300 artist and their studios. Every second Saturday of the month Sawyer Yards hosts an open studio event where the general public can visit all the buildings, the event is called Second Saturday.

April 13, 2019 is the one-year anniversary of Sawyer Yard’s Second Saturday and we would like to invite everyone to come visit the artists of Sabine Street Studios!

Kyros Media is a fictional digital advertisement agency created by Ashley Dang and is used as a main plot for the Exhibit 4379 transmedia campaign story. This project spreads the story of creativity and camaraderie that most can relate to.

Contact Info

Kyros Media

Ashley Dang



Press Release: Features

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